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Boosting ABM Strategy with CRM Data in Tech

Written by Shawn Greyling | Jul 27, 2023 10:00:00 PM

Data is the lifeblood that drives growth and innovation in the rapidly evolving technology sector. It offers insights regarding customer behaviour, market trends, and operational efficiency. Account-Based Marketing (ABM) is an area where data has a particularly significant impact. ABM can be significantly improved when combined with insights from Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, resulting in more effective marketing strategies and increased ROI.

Covered in this article

The Power of CRM Data
Enhancing ABM with CRM Insights
Case in Point: Tech Giants Harnessing CRM for ABM
HubSpot's ABM Software

The Power of CRM Data

CRM systems are treasure troves of valuable data. They contain detailed information about customers, including their purchasing habits, interaction history, preferences, and more. This data is incredibly useful for understanding customer behaviour and predicting future actions.

In the context of ABM, CRM data can help identify high-value accounts, understand their needs and preferences, and tailor marketing strategies accordingly. For example, by analysing purchase history data, a tech company can identify accounts that are likely to be interested in their new product offering. Similarly, interaction history can reveal the most effective channels for reaching specific accounts.

Enhancing ABM with CRM Insights

ABM is a strategy that focuses on individual accounts or a set of targeted accounts, treating them as a market of one. This approach requires a deep understanding of the account's needs, challenges, and opportunities. CRM data can provide these insights, making ABM strategies more effective and personalised.

For instance, CRM data can help create a comprehensive profile of each account, including the key decision-makers, their preferences, and their pain points. This information can be used to tailor marketing messages that resonate with these individuals, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

Moreover, CRM data can provide insights into the account's customer journey. Understanding this journey, from the initial contact to the final purchase, can help identify opportunities for engagement and intervention. This can lead to more timely and relevant marketing actions, increasing the effectiveness of the ABM strategy.

Case in Point: Tech Giants Harnessing CRM for ABM

Many leading tech companies are already leveraging CRM data to enhance their ABM strategies. For example, Microsoft uses CRM data to identify high-value accounts for its Azure platform. The company then tailors its marketing efforts based on the specific needs and preferences of these accounts. This approach has led to increased engagement and higher conversion rates.

HubSpot uses CRM data to understand the needs and challenges of its accounts. The company then uses this information to create personalised marketing messages that resonate with these accounts. This has resulted in improved customer satisfaction and increased sales.

HubSpot's ABM Software

HubSpot's ABM software is a powerful tool that tech companies can leverage to enhance their ABM strategies. Here are some of the key features that make it a game-changer in the industry:

  • Intuitive and Fast Setup: HubSpot's ABM software provides an intuitive and fast setup for your ABM strategy. It allows you to:

    • Define your ideal customer profiles
    • Identify good-fit target accounts
    • Tag accounts and buying roles
    • Leverage AI-powered recommendations to ensure sales teams never miss a beat.
  • Collaboration Across Teams: One of the key strengths of HubSpot's ABM software is its ability to enable collaboration across teams. With shared tools that unite marketing and sales around the same data, teams can work together more effectively. The software offers:

    • The Target Accounts Home feature, which gives both teams a bird’s eye view of progress across all target accounts
    • Slack capabilities for stronger account-based collaboration.
  • Personalised Engagement: HubSpot's ABM tools help personalise content and tailor engagement with stakeholders within an account. With new account-level targeting added to the LinkedIn Ads integration, companies can:

    • Target companies by target account status or tier
    • Target contacts or subsets of contacts at target accounts
    • Deepen relationships over time, building more authentic connections with stakeholders within each account.
  • Tracking and Measurement: HubSpot's ABM software allows you to track and measure key milestones throughout an account’s journey, continuously using data to adapt and iterate on your ABM strategy. The software provides:

    • An account overview feature for a detailed understanding of what’s happening at an account level
    • Out-of-the-box ABM reporting dashboards
    • Company scoring features to help identify the highest value accounts and prioritise reach out.

In the tech industry, where data-driven decision-making is crucial, HubSpot's ABM software offers a comprehensive solution for enhancing ABM strategies with CRM insights. By providing tools for collaboration, personalisation, and measurement, HubSpot empowers tech companies to execute more effective and ROI-driven ABM strategies.