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Improving Sales Negotiation Skills

Written by Shawn Greyling | Jul 27, 2023 10:00:00 PM

Negotiation is a crucial part of the sales process. It's where deals are won or lost, and relationships are built or broken. In this article, we will explore various strategies and techniques to improve your sales negotiation skills, helping you to close more deals, build stronger relationships, and increase your overall sales performance.

Covered in this article

Understanding Sales Negotiation
Essential Sales Negotiation Skills
Building Confidence in Sales Negotiations
Sales Negotiation Scenarios

Understanding Sales Negotiation

Sales negotiation is a strategic discussion between a buyer and a seller with the aim of reaching an agreement that is beneficial to both parties. It's a delicate balance of give and take, where both parties must be willing to make concessions to reach a mutually beneficial outcome.

Negotiation is important in sales for several reasons. It helps buyers and sellers arrive at agreeable deals, and it also helps to build loyal, long-lasting relationships that create lifetime customers. When both parties enter a negotiation in sales and understand the importance of how to negotiate effectively, they avoid conflict and frustration when trying to determine fair prices and mutually beneficial outcomes.

Essential Sales Negotiation Skills

Here are some essential sales negotiation skills that every salesperson should master:

  1. Preparation: Before entering a negotiation, you should have a thorough understanding of your prospect's business, their buying power, their pain points, and the other solutions they'll consider if your negotiation falls through. Preparation accounts for 90% of your sales success.

  2. Being Human: Negotiations are usually formal events, but we’re all human here, which means you possess the ability to connect with your prospect. Use effective body language techniques to keep the conversation light, airy, and comfortable.

  3. Silence: Silence can be a powerful tool in negotiations. After making an offer or asking a question, allow a moment of silence. This can compel your prospect to fill the silence, giving you more insight into their thoughts and position.

  4. Defining Discounts in Advance: Plan out in advance what you’re able to sensibly offer in terms of freebies, discounts, and concessions. This helps you avoid over-promising in the heat of the moment.

  5. Allow the Prospect to Begin: Let your prospect start the negotiation. This gives you a chance to scope out the scale of their offer and adjust your terms if needed.

  6. Identify & Include Decision-Makers: Make sure you're negotiating with the person who has the authority to make the final buying decision. This saves you from having to renegotiate with multiple people up the chain of command.

  7. Demonstrate Value: Before negotiating price or offering discounts, make sure your prospect understands the value of your product. Use evidence such as testimonials, case studies, and data to justify your price.

  8. Know When to Walk Away: If demands become unreasonable or unprofitable for your company, don't be afraid to walk away from the deal.

  9. Patience: Negotiations can take time. Be patient and don't rush the process. Sometimes, taking a break can help both parties review significant requests and come back to the table with a fresh perspective.

  10. Ask for Something in Return: If you make a concession, ask for something in return. This ensures that the negotiation remains a win-win situation for both parties.

Building Confidence in Sales Negotiations

Confidence is a key factor in successful sales negotiations. It not only helps you present your case more convincingly but also helps you stay calm and composed during the negotiation process. Here are some strategies to build your confidence in sales negotiations:

Understand Your Product or Service

The more you know about your product or service, the more confident you'll be when discussing it with prospects. Spend time learning about all the features and benefits your product or service offers, and how it compares to competitors. This will allow you to answer any questions or objections that may come up during the negotiation.

Practice Active Listening

Active listening involves fully focusing on the speaker, understanding their message, responding thoughtfully, and then asking follow-up questions for clarification. This skill can help you understand your prospect's needs and concerns better, which can boost your confidence during the negotiation.

Role-Play Negotiation Scenarios

Practice makes perfect. Role-playing different negotiation scenarios with a colleague or a sales coach can help you prepare for real negotiations. It can help you anticipate potential objections or questions, and practice handling them confidently.

Maintain a Positive Attitude

Maintaining a positive attitude can help boost your confidence. Remember, every negotiation is a learning opportunity. Even if you don't close the deal, you gain valuable experience that can help you in future negotiations.

Take Care of Your Physical Health

Physical health plays a significant role in confidence. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate sleep can boost your energy levels, improve your mood, and enhance your overall confidence.

Sales Negotiation Scenarios

Let's look at some scenarios where these skills can be applied:

  1. Scenario 1 - Price Negotiation: Your prospect is asking for a significant discount. Instead of immediately agreeing to the discount, demonstrate the value of your product. Use testimonials or case studies to justify your price. If a discount is still needed, ask for something in return, such as a longer contract term or a commitment to a larger volume of purchases.

  2. Scenario 2 - Contract Terms Negotiation: The prospect wants to alter some contract terms. Let them start the conversation and listen to their concerns. Use silence to your advantage and allow them to fill in the gaps. This can give you more insight into their position and help you make a counteroffer that addresses their concerns while still being beneficial to you.

  3. Scenario 3 - Service Level Negotiation: The prospect is asking for a higher level of service without wanting to pay extra. Again, demonstrate the value of the additional service and explain why it costs more. If they are still unwilling to pay extra, consider walking away from the deal.