How to Create Really Good Customer Journey Map

How to Create Really Good Customer Journey Map

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    Did you know that 70% of online shoppers abandoned their carts in 2022? Why would someone invest time in adding products to their cart only to fall off the customer journey at the last minute? This scenario highlights the unpredictability of customer behaviour, even when businesses believe they have a good understanding of their audience.

    How to Create Really Good Customer Journey Map

    The challenge is that while brands can never fully predict every customer’s behaviour, they can map out key milestones. This is where customer journey mapping becomes invaluable. In this post, we’ll dive into everything you need to know about customer journey mapping, from what it is to how you can create one.

    Covered in this article

    What is the Customer Journey?
    What is a Customer Journey Map?
    Benefits of Customer Journey Mapping
    Customer Journey Stages
    What’s Included in a Customer Journey Map?
    The Customer Journey Mapping Process
    Types of Customer Journey Maps
    Customer Journey Mapping Best Practices

    What is the Customer Journey?

    The customer journey refers to the series of interactions a customer has with a brand, product, or service, from becoming aware of a need to making a purchase decision. It covers the entire process from initial discovery to conversion. However, unlike the buyer’s journey, which focuses on the decision-making process, the customer journey encompasses the specific touchpoints where a customer interacts with a brand.

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    What is a Customer Journey Map?

    A customer journey map is a visual representation of a customer's experience with a brand. It allows businesses to pinpoint specific interactions and uncover opportunities for improvement. The goal of a customer journey map is to understand the customer’s experience, addressing pain points and optimising their path towards conversion.

    While closely related to UX journey mapping, which focuses on the user’s experience with a product or service, customer journey mapping is broader. It examines every interaction from discovery through purchase and beyond.

    Benefits of Customer Journey Mapping

    1. Enhanced Customer Experience: By understanding every step of the customer journey, businesses can identify areas where customers may experience friction. This enables them to make improvements that ensure smoother interactions.

    2. Improved Conversion Rates: Addressing pain points within the journey allows brands to reduce drop-offs, improving overall conversion rates. For example, identifying issues with the checkout process can help reduce cart abandonment rates.

    3. Increased Customer Retention: Happy customers are loyal customers. When businesses provide a seamless experience, they increase the likelihood that customers will return, thereby boosting retention rates.

    4. Alignment Across Teams: A customer journey map can align various teams (sales, marketing, support) by providing a shared understanding of the customer’s experience. This ensures that all teams are working towards common goals, leading to more cohesive strategies.

    Customer Journey Stages

    Typically, the customer journey consists of five stages:

    1. Awareness: The customer realises they have a problem or need. This is where businesses should focus on delivering educational content to help the customer understand their issue.

    2. Consideration: The customer begins to research solutions, comparing different products or services that could meet their needs. Product comparison guides, whitepapers, and case studies are valuable at this stage.

    3. Decision: The customer chooses a solution and is ready to purchase. At this point, businesses should make the buying process as seamless as possible.

    4. Retention: After purchasing, businesses must continue providing value to keep the customer engaged. Onboarding, support, and dedicated customer success teams can enhance retention.

    5. Loyalty: The customer becomes an advocate for the brand, recommending it to others. Providing excellent post-purchase service and offering referral programs can encourage this loyalty.

    Customer journey stages to include to improve the customer journey experience

    What’s Included in a Customer Journey Map?

    A good customer journey map will include:

    • Buying Process: The steps the customer takes to move from awareness to purchase.
    • Customer Emotions: The feelings customers experience at different points in the journey.
    • User Actions: The specific actions a customer takes at each stage.
    • Research and Solutions: The content the customer consumes and the solutions they consider.

    The Customer Journey Mapping Process

    Now that you understand the basics, let’s walk through the process of creating an effective customer journey map.

    1. Set Clear Objectives

    Before starting, define why you’re creating the map. Are you trying to reduce friction in the checkout process? Increase customer retention? Your objectives will guide the entire process.

    2. Profile Your Personas

    Identify who your customers are. Create detailed personas that outline demographics, behaviours, and pain points. These personas will help you map the journey more accurately.

    3. List All Touchpoints

    A touchpoint is any interaction a customer has with your brand, whether through social media, your website, customer support, or in-store experiences. Identifying these touchpoints is crucial for understanding the full customer journey.

    4. Map Out Customer Actions

    Once you’ve identified touchpoints, outline the actions customers typically take. Do they engage with specific types of content? How long do they stay on your website? This data-driven approach ensures accuracy.

    5. Identify Pain Points and Opportunities

    Analysing the journey allows you to spot where customers may encounter difficulties. Addressing these pain points, whether they stem from confusing website navigation or a lack of product information, will enhance the overall experience.

    6. Take the Journey Yourself

    Put yourself in your customer’s shoes. Go through the journey, from discovering your brand to making a purchase, and see where improvements can be made.

    Types of Customer Journey Maps

    There are different types of journey maps, each serving a unique purpose:

    1. Current State Maps: Visualise the actions customers currently take when interacting with your brand.

    2. Day-in-the-Life Maps: These maps focus on a customer’s typical daily activities, whether or not they include your brand.

    3. Future State Maps: These outline what the customer journey will look like in the future based on expected changes.

    4. Service Blueprint Maps: These maps layer in the organisational processes that support the customer journey.

    Customer Journey Mapping Best Practices

    • Use Data-Driven Insights: Base your map on actual customer data, not assumptions. Utilise analytics tools to gather information about user behaviour.

    • Update Regularly: Customer behaviour changes over time. Regularly review and update your journey map to ensure it remains relevant.

    • Involve Cross-Functional Teams: Include input from sales, marketing, and customer service teams to get a holistic view of the journey.

    • Focus on Emotional Drivers: Customers’ emotions are key drivers of their actions. Understanding these emotions will help you design a more empathetic and effective journey.


    Creating a really good customer journey map requires time, effort, and collaboration, but the rewards are well worth it. By focusing on the key stages of the customer journey and mapping them out accurately, you can improve the overall experience, boost conversions, and increase customer loyalty. At Velocity, we help businesses design effective customer journeys, optimising every touchpoint along the way.

    Ready to create a seamless customer journey?  Contact Velocity today to learn how we can help you develop a data-driven strategy that increases conversions and boosts customer retention.

    Article source: Customer Journey Maps

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    1. What is a customer journey map?

    A customer journey map is a visual representation of the steps customers take when interacting with a brand, from awareness to post-purchase.

    2. Why is customer journey mapping important?

    Customer journey mapping helps businesses understand customer pain points, improve touchpoints, and create a smoother experience that increases satisfaction and retention.

    3. What are the key stages of the customer journey?

    The five stages are: Awareness, Consideration, Decision, Retention, and Loyalty.

    4. How can I gather data for my customer journey map?

    Use customer surveys, interviews, website analytics, purchase history, and unsolicited data like email clicks and chat logs.

    5. How often should I update my customer journey map?

    It’s best to review and update your map quarterly or after major changes, such as product updates or shifts in customer behaviour.

    6. Can customer journey mapping help increase conversions?

    Yes, by addressing pain points and streamlining the buying process, customer journey mapping can significantly improve conversion rates.

    7. What’s the difference between a customer journey and a buyer’s journey?

    The buyer’s journey covers the entire decision-making process, while the customer journey focuses on interactions with a specific brand.

    8. How do I ensure my customer journey map is accurate?

    Base your map on real data from customer interactions, and involve cross-functional teams to provide a comprehensive view.

    9. What types of businesses benefit most from customer journey mapping?

    All businesses, from e-commerce to service-based industries, can benefit by enhancing customer experience and streamlining processes.

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